Thursday, July 9, 2009

Latest Facebook Stats

The latest Facebook stats released indicate an aging demographic for the popular online social network. Facebook at one point was dominated by college students and while many in that age group are still using Facebook, so too are young and middle-aged professionals.

According to new research by istrategylabs, the latest stats show a staggering 513% increase in Facebook users 55+. Facebook users aged 35-54 has seen almost a 200% increase and ages 25-34 have seen a 60% increase. This is according to data analyzed over the last six months. Also, important to note that as the older population increases, the high-school and collge-aged users are decreasing from 15-20%.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Those are some mind boggling numbers! I have seen the 55 and over crowd booming to FB, all of the aunts and uncles of my wife and I have joined in the last several months.
    Cool stuff!
